Tuesday, November 04, 2008



"When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not wholly reap the corners of your field, neither shall you gather the gleanings of your harvest. And you shall not glean the vineyard, neither shall you gather every grape of your vineyard; you shall leave them for the poor and the stranger. I am the Lord your God." Leviticus 19:9,10

The living God looks at two things: the state of the church today and the state of the sinners' hearts. The two are linked together. He looks at the church first. If the church does not repent of their disobedience, they will be held accountable for those who do not know Jesus Christ and die in their sin. Because of your failure, church, to obey the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, and be living sacrifices for Him, you will be held accountable for the sinners' hearts.

Complacent church, do you know this?

You are held accountable for the ones who die in their sin, to whom you had opportunity to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, but did not. When you say, as you stand before Him, "See our good works," He will say, "See the procession to hell."

The church has failed.

What are you willing to do for your Savior? You saw Mother Teresa go out into the world to the garbage dumps, where Jesus led her, to find the human refuse. The people she found were dying, diseased, and stank of death. However, in obedience to the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, and Jesus' command, she picked them up in her arms, saying, "This is Jesus."

You think, "How nice it was of her to do that." You think this was her ministry. She went out to find the dying and the needy. She didn't wait for them to come to her. No one should be left on the street while the Body of Christ is alive. The church should be obedient and willing to do anything that Jesus tells them to do.

We are witnesses. We pass through your cities in obedience to His will, and what we see will be held against you. You let Jesus lie on the street. You see Him cold, hungry, and comfortless, yet you have no pity on Him. You hide behind your programs and policies, thinking they absolve you from holding Jesus in your arms. Do you really believe Jesus will say to you, "Well done"?

Jesus poured out His life for you. He came to serve you. But you serve only yourselves. You are happy with your church, whose works are dead. Your works are without love, not led by His Holy Spirit.

He calls you to repent, lest He spit you out. Repent, and touch the leper, as He did.

Are you greater than your Master? Will you never know what it is to be moved with compassion? In your works, do you give from the four corners of your field? The four corners have the same grain, of equal value, as the grain of which you partake.

Those who come to your four corners, you judge. You don't treat them as you would treat Jesus. You feel superior to them. If you give at all, you give what you don't want or need.

Is this your sacrifice? Jesus didn't treat you with indifference, without love. He gave everything for you. All that you have you owe to Him. Your life, family, money, job, car, and house, belong to Him. You don't own anything, not even yourself. You were bought with a price.

Jesus called His church to be a living sacrifice. He says the church has failed Him. Vain, arrogant, and shallow. Those are His words for you, church.

"If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we claim we have not sinned, we make Him out to be a liar and His word has no place in our lives." I John 1:8,10

"We know that we have come to know Him if we obey His commands. The man who says, "I know Him," but does not do what He commands is a liar, and the truth is not in him. This is how we know we are in Him: whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did." 1 John 2:3,4,6

Sunday, August 03, 2008


The enemy is raging and tearing through the world, and affecting many lives, declaring war on mankind, and on the Father. So I was in the Spirit a few days ago, thinking about the scars and wounds that mankind have in common. Sometimes these wounds last a lifetime, and hurt us in the mind and heart until the day we die. Scars and wounds caused by families, through generations of sin and selfishness, caused by an invisible enemy that delights in our troubles and always tries to make them worse.

In my own life, as in so many, there are still those wounds, and it doesn't take much for wounds to flare up and throw one back into the past where they began, and if it were not for Jesus, we would fall back and maybe never get up again. So many, so innumerable are these scars and wounds, that I thought, how can they ever all be healed? What kind of power does it take to heal every single wound we carry, in all our generations? Some self inflicted, some leading to suicide, some to rage and homicide. All these things in us, intermingled and tangled and oh, so painful. But He can and He will heal every last one of us.

And then I saw Jesus, and He looked as He did at the end of the film THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST. Jesus' mangled body was more marred than any man, as the Scripture describes. Wounds from head to toe, not a part of His body untouched by the whips, the nails, the spear. So much of His blood shed, that He allowed Himself to suffer. But He became whole again when He rose, as if it never happened. Yet, as it is written, He still carries the wounds of the cross on His body.

When I thought of this, I wondered why He needed to keep them. Was it so that all would be reminded of what Jesus did for them? The Holy Spirit makes Jesus known to all mankind and when we see Him, there is no mistaking Him. So why does He still carry these wounds, He that is the unblemished Lamb of God? Then the Father spoke to me.

He said: "Jesus will not give up His wounds until every wound is finally healed in every single one I created, whom I love".

He carries His wounds because we are a wounded world, still lost without Him. And He thinks of us all by name, and He knows our struggles with each other and with ourselves, that we have had every single day of our lives, right from the beginning when we were babies. Then I understood, as long as we are still in need of healing and redemption, He will not give up on us and our wounds. We can see how He understands and cares, because we can see in His hands and His feet that He understands wounds that lie so deep. We will be healed altogether and forever, and until that day comes, with marks in His hands and feet, He stands before us all, calling us to come, come, come and be healed.

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Father as a Rabbi and the Strongman of Israel

The Father continues to show short visions one after the other. First Moses with a new staff. The staff is a cross. Who would not understand that? Read the post again, it's recent. This next one is powerful to say the least, and again, it concerns Israel.

I saw the Father standing before the closed doors of a synagogue in Jerusalem. I saw clearly how He was dressed. He was wearing the garments of a rabbi, including a finely made prayer cloth around His shoulders. Only one thing was different; He was wearing no covering on His head. The Father opened the doors of the synagogue and I could see it was full of people. As He walked in among them they all turned around to look at Him. That's when I saw the most profound thing.

As the Father walked up the center of the synagogue, I saw blood on His shoulders and neck. It was the blood of Jesus. See the Father doing this thing, bringing the blood of their rejected Messiah into their midst, bringing it back to Jerusalem. As for not having a covering on His head, why would He? He is their covering and ours. Blood from the Son, worn by the Father, right into the heart of Israel, the city of David.

A new Jerusalem will be given and brought down from His kingdom. What makes this a NEW Jerusalem? A new Jerusalem will honor Jesus as the Messiah.

Israel, let the time be short when you finally come to your salvation, with eyes opened at last.

The next vision was of the strong man of Israel. Satan's power in Israel to keep them from turning to Jesus, which is what his demon strongmen do.

I saw two things about this strong man. First he is dressed in the full garments of the high priests as described in the Word of God. The tassels, the breastplates, the pomegranates, the gold, all of it on this demon.

Second, I saw him kneeling before a fire he had made. I saw that he was holding a Bible in his hands. He was tearing pages out of it and feeding them to his fire. Then I saw the pages and realized: he was tearing out the book of Hebrews page by page, the book that tells Israel how Jesus is the Messiah. His contempt of the Father is shown here. He KNOWS that Jesus is the much longed for Messiah. He knows, for he was a witness to the crucifixion. And yet this liar would stand dressed as a high priest and do anything to keep Israel from Jesus. He will not succeed to victory. The Father who made him cannot be defeated. The created cannot overthrow the Creator. One day, the new Jerusalem will come as foretold.

The Father is moving through the world as He wages war on terror, on evil itself. Keep standing as events unfold, and know that He will lead and He will help us through.

Silvana Lupetti
July 14th, 2008
Operation: Jesus Pictures

Monday, May 12, 2008

Earthquake in China

Recently Silvana was in the Spirit talking about China. (Both Therese and Char were present at the time.) She said that China is pushing the world, trying to muscle their way forward. She said, "China needs something to keep them occupied, like a natural disaster. They need to be hit by a big disaster, such as a large earthquake, to give them something else to do to keep them busy."

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Make time to go and read the testimonies on the Pictures Blog

Jesus speaks. Right now He says to you OJP, and friends of OJP, "Make time to go and read the testimonies on the Pictures Blog". If we truly are at war with principalities and powers, the rulers of the darkness, as we are, then we have our testimonies to overcome the power of our enemy. Read and read again, says the Father, and when doubt or fear comes at us we can know the effect that OJP is having all around the world, with healings and people talking to Him for the first time. Stay the course and go to the Blog in earnest. God bless all of you in Jesus' mighty name.

Yes the enemy can come after us - and he does - but he cannot change the fact that lives are changing. Cancer is gone. Miracles have happened. Children without money are going to school for the first time, where they can learn with a meal inside them. 1000 prisoners in Rwanda are reading about where life begins in their own language. Thank You Father. The testimonies are all there because of You and Your powerful works.

This is war and when the Father exhorts us to act to avoid being overcome from our enemy, take it seriously. When the enemy brings fear and doubt, he has a purpose. His aim is to derail us from what we are doing for Jesus.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Moses Has a New Staff

The Father has been showing me two trials in the recent days. The first trial concluded and immediately the second trial began. It is about the Jewish Center in Seattle that suffered an attack in 2006 by a Muslim American. He held a gun to a young teenage girl and entered the Center. He shot 5 women, one mortally. One of the women was pregnant and when the gunman pointed his gun at her she put her hand up in front of her womb and was shot in the arm. The baby was saved by her act of courage. In watching the trial unfold, the testimonies of the women is deeply emotional and profound. I saw a picture of the woman who was murdered. In her late 50's with gray hair, smiling, holding two dogs on her lap. Here is a description of the trial.

SEATTLE, Washington – At the trial of Naveed Haq, the accused Jewish Center shooter, we got a glimpse of Dayna Klein’s “heroic” ability to composure herself under pressure. She repeatedly fought back emotion during a clear and compelling account of the events of that terrifying day.
Klein, who was pregnant at the time, recalled how she was shot in the arm and leg, and then dragged herself across her office floor to call 911. She stayed on the phone even though she knew the gunman had threatened to kill anyone who did so.
Klein also described the horrifying moments as she left the building. Police officers told her “Don’t look,” but she did anyhow, and saw her friend Pamela Waechter lying face-up on the steps, shot in the head.
“I asked the officers if I could please stay with Pam so that she wouldn’t have to be by herself until she was identified,” said Klein, sobbing on the stand. They did not allow her to.

I looked at these women and felt Jesus' compassion for them, His deep love. And I wanted them to know Him, their Messiah and friend. My heart felt bruised for them. And then the Father showed me something great. As I wondered "how they will come to know Him?", I saw Moses approaching, I knew it was Moses because he was as we think of him. He was striding towards the Father and I, he was holding his staff that the Father had given him. As I looked at Moses I felt the Father's eyes on me so I looked closer and saw that Moses' staff looked different.

Then in an instant I saw that the staff of Moses looks like a cross. The Father said: "They will understand in a instant who Jesus really is".

How glad am I that this vision will be given to His chosen ones so that they might understand the Father and the Messiah. Those women in that trial showed such courage and love, there are so many acts of personal courage we know about in the people of Israel. Thank You Father for Your everlasting love to all Your creation. May the day come when every knee shall bow and every tongue speak the truth at last: JESUS IS LORD.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Here is Easter. A day to remember the event that changed the direction of all mankind. It's hard to think about Jesus' torture and pain. It's hard to think of His suffering; not only in His body, but the selfishness and sin we choose visited on the One who is without sin and selfishness. Every act of indifference, of violence, murder, hate, and evil. He took it all, and when His blood drained out of Him, it was given to us. We carry it and the Father sees it moment by moment since that day. It took such pain to spare us from what we deserve for our choices. And the wages of sin is death.

So I saw the garden as I was listening to the song "Morning Has Broken". I saw the perfect beauty of what He made, the first birds singing, the first green grass growing, the pure light and the pure love behind it all. And then in the middle of seeing this Eden, I saw blood spilled onto it and I cried out in my spirit. The Father came to me and showed me then, how He sees bloodshed and He sees the blood that Jesus shed on us all. Never is there one moment that He doesn't see it, and doesn't feel it and what His Son felt as He gave His blood willingly for others to be able to come to the Father and to the cross.

And then He spoke to me. "When the last murder has happened, when mankind has come to the cross and returned to the garden agreeing together that love is the only way to Me and to the truth, then will I take the blood of Jesus and cast it into the lake of fire. It won't be needed any longer and there will never be any more blood shed ever again".

And into my heart came the thought: There will be hope even in the lake of fire.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

His eyes, His face, His Presence is felt

The new printer has been used to put the picture of Jesus on the Supertract. It is as clear as we ever dreamed it could be. His eyes, His face, His Presence is felt. Thank You Father for doing this and giving us the desire of our heart that the picture on the tract be as clear as possible to touch everyone who have only the supertract. Thank You also to Antonio and Nikki of OJP for giving the Father the help to get this printer. To everyone who asks OJP for pictures to give to others, we are going to encourage them to fold tracts, string pictures, contact prisons in their state, find the shelters, the dark alleys and do what they can to help our loving Redeemer to rescue them, as He rescued us.

Monday, March 10, 2008

I AM A SERVANT by Larry Norman

Larry Norman died recently leaving a legacy of songs that lift up the heart, and bring conviction to the flesh and self. He understood the need to hear from Jesus and to follow Him no matter the cost. Let us read his words and take them as our own. I'll blog more of his songs for a time. Thank you, Larry for all you did for Jesus.

Larry Norman

I am a servant, I am listening for my name,
I sit here waiting, I've been looking at the game
That I've been playing, and I've been staying much the same
When you are lonely, you're the only one to blame.

I am a servant, I am waiting for the call,
I've been unfaithful, so I sit here in the hall.
How can you use me when I've never given all,
How can you choose me when you know I'd quickly fall.

So you feed my soul and you make me grow,
And you let me know you love me.
And I'm worthless now, but I've made a vow,
I will humbly bow before thee.
O please use me, I am lonely.

I am a servant getting ready for my part,
There's been a change, a rearrangement in my heart.
At last I'm learning, there's no returning once I start.
To live's a priveledge, to love is such an art
But I need your help to start,
O please purify my heart, I am your servant.

Saturday, March 01, 2008


The Father spoke and said: "Now comes a season of the angels".

I saw in the Spirit the movement of many, many angels; their movement like the waves of the sea pouring towards the shore over and over.

The Father said to me, "I send them to help Me intervene, to lift up, to push back evil, to open doors, and open hearts with hope. The enemy of God and man moves with frantic power to destroy what he did not make. He whispers in the night and screams in the day to those I created. He screams threats and whispers schemes of violence and evil."

"Now before the day of My Coming I send My angels who love Me into the fray, joining My Spirit, to overturn the fortresses and high places of Satan and all who fell with him. Satan's power is not above Me. I made him and I will unmake him."

"My angels do this not because of duty, not because they must; they do it for love of Me. And My followers on earth would do well to be as they are, and to join them as they are sent into the darkest places on earth to bring the hope that has been given on a cross of wood."

"The times will get harder, and grievous events are still ahead. Fear and terror are coming to man as the time draws nearer to the Event much awaited, the return of My Heart in the form of Jesus, Redeemer King

"Hold fast to the Hope I bring, and do all that I make possible for you to do, which is to smash the barriers of opposition to the good, and to the right. The season of angels will cause many close to death to see them, will cause the lost to lift their heads, will cause hardened hearts to soften, and the sick to recover, while many acts of supernatural power are coming. And always know that what I conceive and what I will do shall never be in vain."

Sunday, January 20, 2008


I was in the Spirit this morning with the Father when He showed me the enemy saying, "My name is Legion for we are many". As the enemy spoke I saw that he was both boasting and threatening. Then the Father spoke and answered the enemy. The Father said, "COUNT THE HOST OF HEAVEN". The Father never speaks in vain. Don't be satisfied with superficial understanding. Look deeply into what He says and what He is showing. - January 18, 2008


OJP is in the middle of a war zone. The more healing and stories of victory after victory the more demons gather to stop us with all their hate and malice. Shoulder to shoulder looking neither to the right or left, but singleminded in our mission to lift up Jesus in this world at war, we have to choose between God or self. We are advancing through the fiery daggers becuase of love of the Father, love of Jesus, love for those despairing and suicidal. Where are those who always consider the cross in everything they do? Where are they who see no place for self-centeredness where Jesus is concerned? They are the only ones who can carry on this fight for love's sake. That's what OJP is to stand for and nothing less. We owe this to the bloody cross.