Monday, December 31, 2007

It is as it is

If Satan is brought out of the shadows, as orchestrated by the Holy Spirit, all of us in OJP and all those who love Jesus should look into what is being shown and not have a misinformed view about the enemy of the Father. The fallen church is foolish about Satan.

The Holy Spirit is giving an opportunity to see the Father's adversary in the light, and take away the myth. To see Satan's lying hate and ultimate self-loving state. To see his nature, so ugly and dark. To bring Satan into the light is to show that he is NOT GOD, but one who makes mistakes, since he is imperfect after his fall.

See the film "300", and its portrayal of Xerxes, king of Persia, and you will see what the Father means when He says of that portrayal, "It is as it is". The Pope says of the film THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST, "It is as it was" and he was right. Look to the Father about what I'm saying, and if you believe, do it with all speed: watch "300".

In Jesus' mighty name see an exposure of the false god who is created, who is not the Creator of all things.

Silvana Lupetti
Prophet of the Father in the United States
December 31, 2007

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Born to die

Our thanks to Robert and Catherine for their help to OJP in lifting up Jesus to the world. On Christmas Day after dinner of fellowship with our families, we are going to gather together to watch THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST, remembering the reason He was born. He was born to die, that precious babe we sing about. Today we are putting together the packets of pictures and The Passion, a supertract, and a candy cane for our neighbors as the Father showed us. 112 houses. We lift up the babe who came to make us free. Thank You, Father, in the loving name of Jesus.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Christmas 2007

OJP sends many hundreds of DVD's of THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST along with the pictures from the Shroud. We know of the man who had murdered his girlfriend and gotten away with it, until he saw THE PASSION. He turned himself into the police, saying that he couldn't live with it anymore. The Pope said a right thing about it before he died. "It is as it was" he said, and so it is. On Christmas night this year, Char and I will watch THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST. Whoever wants to do this with us are welcome, those in OJP New Mexico, and any who are with us in other states as well. For this He came to the manger. For this He came, this noble immeasureable sacrifice given to save us from ourselves. The baby we honor and love, lowly in the manger, so vunerable and humble, came to take all that earth and hell could visit on Him, to free us. So we honor the day of His birth, and we bow before the day of His death.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Vow a vow to me on Christmas Day

The Father spoke to me this morning, saying, It's coming on Christmas, and Christmas speaks of mother and Child. And then He swept His hand over Rwanda and said, The children of the raped in the genocide, and their mothers, are innocent, yet a dark cloud is over them. Tell Rwanda that I say; love them, pray for them, help them. Mother and child innocent of the darkness visited on them by the rulers of the darkness in this world in spirit and in flesh. Have pity on them. Remember them when you think of that Holy Night of a mother and a Child. Vow a vow to me on Christmas Day that you will be my helpers in Rwanda for those children and mothers of woe. I come to Rwanda to come and heal what the locusts have eaten. Help Me to help them, and more darkness will be lifted over Rwanda. Do this in the name of My heart, Jesus, and I promise you, healing and help, good fruit will come. And the Father said to light a candle on Christmas Eve for the mothers and children, victims of rape not only in Rwanda but in all the world. Father You have our promise.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

It's all about the blood

I saw myself in the Spirit, standing in front of the enemy after looking at the violence and havoc he has visited on the earth, the extent of which human words fall utterly short. I was standing there and I said to him, "It's all about the blood". He the bloodthirsty beast who has no other purpose now but to spill oceans of blood to feed his rage and hate of Jesus and of the Father. And I repeated it over and over again, "It's all about the blood".
All of a sudden my words took on another meaning, even as I was speaking, and now the meaning was about Jesus and now it was about His blood. "It's all about the blood". That blood spells defeat for evil and victory for love. We owe our lives to that blood.

Friday, October 26, 2007


There's something we have, if we have Jesus, if we love Him, something that the richest man on earth couldn't buy. We have peace within.
Our struggle to know the truth of who we are, and why we are here, and what is death, are over. There are no mysteries that He doesn't know. that we cannot know. Even in the dire storm of warfare and death, we know the truth of eternity.
Blessed assurance. And all we seek now are those that have no peace and need His love, those torn and wounded, those full of fear. They need the Prince of Peace. We can help them to find Him. There is no higher purpose than that.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

My Testimony

Excerpt from "My Testimony"

One afternoon, alone at her friend's house, Silvana was holding the Bible and thinking about what she had read, and she asked out loud, "How can I know you?" At that moment a knock came from the door. She went to the door and opened it. Three people were standing there. They looked very similar to each other, with big brown eyes, curly brown hair and smiles on their faces. They said: "We were walking past your house and God told us to go to your door, so here we are". She asked them in, and told them what she had just asked. They immediately told her about Jesus' sacrifice, how much pain He went through, how much He loved her and that if she were the only person on earth, He would have still done it for her. She remembers sitting on a stool, by Sammy's art easel, and tears began to pour out of her eyes. The people were silent then, and then said a few things to her with their hands on her shoulders, then they left. She looked down and at her feet was a literal pool of tears.

Link to "My Testimony"

Thursday, August 02, 2007


The Father continued to show me about the activity in the cloud as I mentioned in my last post. I was just in my studio where I have a map of the world on the wall, and I was sitting looking at the map. Suddenly I saw what looked like strong cables or wires, springing from every nation, nation to nation. If I were to use string and connect the string from place to place you would see a thick mesh covering the whole map.

Then the Father showed me what it meant. The cables are connecting every person who knows that the world is at war, that evil is evil, and who know what is good and what is right. Freedom is the foundation of this fight with the enemy. And I saw strong bonds coming from eastern Europe where they had lived without freedom for so long, and now that they have it, they will never go back. The bonds link all of us together that love freedom and understand what is at stake. Some nations have bowed to the terrorists. Spain gave them the election that they wanted and pulled out of the war, so the terrorists got their way by bombing Madrid, a mass murder. They will not stop until they are stopped. Some nations have good leaders, others have weak ones. But within all the nations there are the like-minded, says the Father.

I saw that by linking us all together in the spirit like this, the stronger help the weaker, especially in nations that are surrounded by liberalism, which is the philosophy of the enemy. His philosophy is that evil is good and good is evil. And I saw that we who agree together look like a new nation, a nation in the spirit, all of us knowing what's right and what's true.

When I was in the spirit recently, I cried out to the Father about Iraq. I saw the Iraqi people being bombed day after day and was grieving over the state of the battlefield there. I was before the Father calling out to Him about the people. "They need to stand up and say, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. They need to help lead the fight by finding out where the terrorists are hiding. They need to reach that breaking point which has been present in all righteous revolutions. How long, Father, can they stand to see their neighbors and friends and families, children and grandmothers, blown to pieces, day after day by the beasts of terror?"

Since I cried out in the Spirit to the Father about Iraq, there have been new reports that the war there is winnable. And it is winnable because the Iraqis are now doing what they needed to do. They are standing up and going after the terrorists. Remember that noble day, when in the face of death threats to themselves, their families and friends, they walked to the voting booths, showing great courage. They have been successful in recent days uncovering hiding places and armaments. There has been change in the thinking about the war in Iraq, which is one battlefield in the Father's war against evil. Pray for the Iraqi people as they endeavor to live in freedom.

When all the like-minded in the world are linked together, our collective right thinking is like a prayer, a petition always before the Father, for the sake of freedom and the defeat of darkness. He will hear us. He will answer. All nations, He says, have some that are right, and now we are linked together. This is what the activity was in the cloud. The enemy can't get in front of this to oppose it because the Father moved too swiftly and hid this plan from him.

Father, You rescue, You lead, Your victory is sure, even in the darkest of times. We love You and we thank You for helping the world in tribulation leading to the return of Jesus. He will make things right when all government is on His shoulders. He brings justice and a rod of iron with Him and the truth will at last, prevail.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Yesterday, the last day of July, I saw something from the Father. It was a large cloud in the sky, but it was different from the other clouds. I could see movement within it, as though there were beings moving around inside, and it seemed that the movement was vigorous, there was a lot of activity. I couldn't see who it was but I could tell it was angels.

Then today, the Father showed me more about it. Clouds are close to the earth so whatever is happening will have to do with the earth. And the reason I couldn't see inside the cloud is because the Father is hiding His purpose from the eyes of the enemy.

Something is going to happen that will take the enemy by surprise, and it will be good. A move of power from the Father.

Thank You, Father.

Friday, June 22, 2007



There is a difference between what we know in the mind, and what we know in our spirit; a vast world of difference. Our universe of thoughts and experiences, of time passing in our own generations, are not the totality of ourselves. We are not defined by time. We are defined by boundless eternity. The earth was made as if it were a growing field, that had a time of birth, life and harvest. The harvest is not the end of the process, it is only a step towards the truth of everything.

What is our spirit? It is the "real estate of the Father" which is not bound by anything.

The spirit, our spirit, can hear things that the mind doesn't hear. The mind has boundaries, the spirit has no boundaries. Deep within us is a part of something pure that seeks the truth, that has a reflection of something greater in it than our minds can fully realize. Our spirit is the center of who we are, inside a body that will die, but not bound by the body.

We are made. We are created. We didn't create ourselves. Most of us realize this even if only in part. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Who made us to be alive? Who is behind all the beauty of the earth and who is the Maker of individuality?

A Being, a Person, a Person that can be seen by our spirit, heard by our spirit, and who is the source of our spirit. A Person that wants to give life in abundance, full of joy and beauty and love. A Person who is Life itself always giving life. As we give birth to our children, He gave birth to us.

This beautiful Being wanted us, and He wanted us to grow and see the beauty of the stars, the joy of life, and above all for us to be loved, and to love. And in this love, as we grow towards the harvest, He wanted us to come to know Him. To know Him is to know Love itself. He wants us to take His hand and walk with Him, to talk with Him. He wants us to know Him well, as well as He knows us.

All the reason and purpose of life is to know the truth, and to know the One who created us, who gave us the freedom to choose. And we, in our time on earth, can choose to know only what our minds know, or we can choose to know more. One day we will know all the mysteries of the world here, and the world beyond, but we can choose to know now what the Father will show our spirit. The freedom to choose comes with a high price to the loving Being who made us. Our choices will either be defined by love, or they will be defined by self. Self puts itself over everything. And self over everything can take us to the farthest places from life and love, as far as the east is from the west. Our freedom to choose carries with it the consequences that we see all around us. What He intended when He made us was nothing like the misery we ourselves have created through what we do and what we choose.

We had gotten lost, lost from our source. So He came to us to show us our source, to remind our spirits of love, by showing the highest and purest selfless love, shown in a cross of wood, shown by Jesus Himself. And all along time, from the very beginning, God has been striving to bring us to our destination, which is not the earth alone, nor our bodies that are mortal. Our true destination is free from fear, free from grief, free from sickness. The Father told me, "There are no hospitals or graveyards or prisons in Heaven". Our arrival in Heaven will not be strange even though our minds imagine it will be. Heaven is in our own spirit, a piece of Himself in us. Cultures and religions and differences will fall away as though they never were, the darkness will end when we come to the Light. We will understand. That is written in the cross.

So when you think of the Father, think of the Being who made us with hope and anticipation and joy, eager to know us, eager for us to know Him. Come to Him and take His hand. Speak to Him, He will speak to you. That's where life really begins.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Nobody Knows.

Nobody knows what the birds are really like. Nobody knows the way things really are, as they were meant to be. People have spent their lifetimes studying nature, all the birds of the air, and all things in the sea and all on the land.

Nobody knows what we, the people of the earth. are really like. People have spent their lifetimes studying the habits and body language and behavior in all environments and cultures from one end of the world to the other. Lifetimes of study only resulting in half-truths and conjecture. Scientists strive to understand all things, but they fall short.

Think of birds: their songs, their beauty, then think of the animals; all creatures great and small. Now, try to imagine them without fear.

I watched the birds this morning, as the dawn came. They were singing with vigor and were drinking the water and eating the seeds by our flower garden that we put out for them. As I watched them, suddenly I saw that they were nervous, and fearful that they might be attacked, so they weren't eating and drinking in peace. And then I saw heaven's birds, and it was as if I had never seen birds before, just as beautiful as ever, but at peace.

And think of us...all mankind, without fear. Without depression, oppression, despair, loneliness, no betrayals, no sickness. No one hates, no one kills, no one dies. That is the way it was meant to be. And that's why nobody knows, because they don't know a world without sin, or darkness or fear.

What a world of love is ahead. How foolish we are to hold on to this world, instead of living for the life of love that we are promised. And all the angels we will meet, and the stories we'll tell together of the battlefield of the Father, and what they did and what we did together to help Him rescue the perishing. So many stories there will be, and how glad we will be that we loved Him well, and did our best for Him in all things.

Will this be so of your life? Jesus' sacrifice calls to us to join Him in the rescue of the world; from murder and suicide, terror and fear. And when all things are done, we will know that we helped Him with all our might, all our heart, all our strength, to enter His faultless realm, holding the hands of all those we have brought to the cross, with all of us whole and free, as He made us to be.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Jacob became Israel, Israel became Esau

The Father was showing many things today about the birthright of Esau so easily thrown away by him. He showed Jacob who wrestled with an angel, saying, "I will not let you go until you bless me". Jacob fighting to hold on, and Esau throwing down his birthright for nothing, just a bowl of lentils. Then the Father showed me Israel throwing down its birthright as easily as did Esau. That birthright was Jesus, the beating heart of the Father, the Reconciliation of Israel and of the whole world. Jacob would not let go of heaven, but Esau saw nothing of heaven, and had his head down to the earth all his life.

And then the Father said: "Jacob became Israel, and Israel became Esau".

Israel must come to the Reconciliation of the Father, lifting up its head to heaven and receiving the birthright given, Jesus the Messiah, who is the third bread taken away and hidden and then returned. (The third bread is one of the three pieces of unleavened bread in the Passover Sedar, which was broken and hidden and brought back at the end of the meal, according to Jewish tradition.)

Friday, April 27, 2007

Testimony of a Survivor of the Rwanda Genocide

When the attacks started, along with my father and some other men, I escaped to the mountains of Bisesero and Kirongi where we could fight back. We resisted the militia, so they sent the presidential guard. It was hard, but we were really motivated to resist, hoping that some of us might survive. They used heavy ammunition, grenades and rockets. We used stones, arrows and sticks. We'd mix with them, hit them with rocks, tackle them with their guns. Then they would be ordered to move back to re-organise. By the end, official figures say that 85,000 people were killed there, but I think there were 160,000 or 175,000. I come from a big family - 188 people descended from my grandfather. But by the time the French arrived, they had all died except me and my uncle.
I returned to my neighbourhood in the valley of the Kirongi Mountain, but an attack group found me. I asked them why they were going to kill me when I had never wronged them, when in fact I had lived in harmony with them and their children. They told me to ask God because He was the one who created Tutsi and had abandoned them. I knew they were going to kill me. I had seen death and was no longer scared. I asked them to let me pray, and they agreed. While I was praying, they started complaining that my prayer was taking too long and they needed to go somewhere else to find people to kill. They hit me on the head with a club. I fell down unconscious and don't know when they hacked me, but I have four machete scars on my head. For four days I lay there unconscious. I woke up after a dream about being killed. I decided to go to Kibuye town. I would go to the hospital and they would either kill me or treat me. I was really looking for a place for a nicer death. It took me two days.
When I got there, a crowd started to beat me. They asked me why I had come there, and I said, "To be healed or killed, one of the two." One woman stood out and shielded me. She took me inside the hospital and treated me. She gave me antibiotics, washed me, fed me and even gave me clothes because what I was wearing was very dirty. I'd been wearing those clothes since 8 April. She also hired Interahamwe to protect me. She paid them not to kill me. I spent the entire month of June in the hospital. When the Interahamwe went out to kill elsewhere, they used to leave a notice saying that, if they found me dead when they came back, it would be best if my killer was dead as well before they got there. Those were the terms on which I survived, while other people at the hospital were being killed on a daily basis, especially the many girls who had survived at the stadium and were kept to be raped.
The nurse who saved me is still alive today. Sometimes I visit her. I feel overwhelmed by all she did for me. I have nothing to give her in return. She didn't even know me when she saved me. She just saw people torturing me and made a decision on her own to rescue me. So I put that lady in a category of humane people with a true human heart. When I'm in Kibuye, I feel very sad; it's immeasurable. Even though I was lucky to survive, it's still a problem because I cannot forget it. From the first day, I saw people dying bad deaths for no reason. Those scenes frequently replay in my head like a film. It's all kept somewhere in my head. Wherever I go in this world, I will not forget Kibuye. I had a good life and a bad life there; I lost all those people, but it still remains my home. It is a marked place inside of me.

Please read the blog entry dated February 6, 2007: Yours Once Again. See how true it is in the face of this testimony. The Father is moving to bring help and hope to those who cannot forget, and carry deep wounds inside and out. I had never read the testimony of this survivor it's very hard to get them to talk about the genocide, but the Holy Spirit showed the state of the survivors and He was right.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Join With Heaven

This morning, Jordan Cooper the nine year old son of Doug and Therese Cooper of OJP had to be taken to the doctor for a recurring problem with his lungs not having enough oxygen. Jordan is a wonderful child who has a gift from the Father, to pray for the sick and the Father has healed many using Jordan's gift. Jordan will recover and his sympathy and empathy for the sick will deepen, and we thank you for your prayers for him. So as we were dealing with this I suddenly saw something significant in the heavenlies.

I saw a group of people walking together towards the Cloud of Witnesses. I looked at the Father and He said: "They are those who were in hell, and were led out by Jesus Himself when He went there to show them the freedom He had brought them through His blood."

I saw that they were known, that they had names and that their experience in hell and the stunning sight of Jesus come to them in hell to free them made them care deeply about the state of mankind, the suffering and captivity that sin and evil bring. These who went from hell to heaven following Jesus will add this power of empathy to the voices of the Cloud of Witnesses. As the Father moves to prepare the world for the return of Jesus, He calls on all who have been to the Cross to join with Heaven and care about the darkness and those lost who must be found.

Thank You Father, in Jesus' name for Your love.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Scroll down for words to song

A Living Prayer

In this world I walk alone with no place to call my home
But there's One who holds my hand
The rugged road through barren lands
The way is dark, the road is steep
But He's become my eyes to see
The strength to climb, my griefs to bear
This Savior lives inside me there
In Your love I find release
A haven from my unbelief
Take my life and let me be
A living prayer my God to thee
In these trials of life I find
Another Voice inside my mind
He comforts me and bids me live
Inside the love the Father gives
In Your love I find release
A haven from my unbelief
Take my life and let me be
A living prayer my God to thee
Take my life and let me be
A living prayer my God to thee

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Temple to Temple

A friend of mine was troubled about something the other day, and told me about it. As I was listening, I saw the Father come close. He laid His head against hers, His temple next to her temple. And I saw how the temple is not as protected as the rest of the skull, how a pulse can be seen beating there, so I saw two temples together, His and hers beating with the same pulse.

Again and again, the Father wants to show us His love for us. He comes and lays His head next to ours, listening, feeling our pulse beat together with His. When troubles are great, when darkness comes, so does the Father come to be close to us, heart to heart, temple to temple.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Pastor steals church from his flock - Crime & Punishment -

Pastor steals church from his flock - Crime & Punishment -
This is not an isolated incident, all over the world are pastors without love, as the Holy Spirit showed in the prophecy called, PASTORS OF UNBELIEF. The reason for the pictures of Jesus, and The Passion of the Christ, says the Father, is to lift up Jesus, where the fallen church has failed. The religiosity and lack of love has turned many away from Jesus because they think He is like them, when in truth there is no relationship between Jesus and the fallen shallow church. The true hallmark of the Body of Christ, is love. And the Bride always lifts up the Bridegroom because of love. This pastor is just the tip of the iceberg.

You are the pastors of unbelief. Your story is simple. One day, you decided to be a Christian. No problem. You slipped salvation on as easily as a new jacket. Nice fit, it felt good. Now you were spiritual. Repentance? You said you were sorry, didn't you? You never went to the bloody ground where the Cross is, and laid down under the weight of your own sin, ugly and wicked, and wept at what you did to Him, wept at the sight of His innocent blood you took from Him. Why should you? You are wearing your new jacket. You never think of your sin and how it tortured Jesus, and how undeserving you are of that sacrifice. That is why we never hear you talk of how much you love Him, how you wait every moment for Him, and speak of Him always with your cup overflowing with love. No, we hear a lot of Scriptures from you though; you quote them often.

Then you decided to be a "pastor". That sounded nice. You could have some power, and so you picked up a Bible, and you said, "I'm intelligent, I can memorize this" and so you did. And with your natural mind, you memorized passages that pleased you. And this impressed you. So now, with your Bible in hand, and your hard, barren heart, you went out and said to the world, "I represent Jesus and now I think I'll have a church". So you got people to believe that you are from Jesus, and you got a church without hearing from Him, which you run without trusting Him for the needs, or caring for those under your care. No, with your Scriptures you judge those who are weaker than you, put burdens on those who are sick, saying they are without faith, and condemn those who take issue with your lack of love. You lead a flock of bruised reeds. From the barren tree, comes barren fruit. A generation has sprung up out of the desolate ground of unbelief, a generation of "pastors" who have never been to the Cross, and never wept a single tear for the One who died in their place.

Therefore this is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says to the shepherds who tend my people: "Because you have scattered my flock and driven them away and have not bestowed care on them, I will bestow punishment on you for the evil you have done," declares the LORD. Jeremiah 23:2

Friday, February 09, 2007

The Call is Sounding

There is a verse in the song Scarborough Fair that says: "The generals they order their soldiers to kill, for a cause they'd long ago forgotten". And I saw how this is true with the enemy and all who fell with him. Satan is a liar from the beginning. That means that he was not deceived but himself pursued the power of evil. No one spoke lies to him, no one persuaded and seduced him.

He wanted power independent from the Father whom he had begun to judge. He judged the Father when the Father wanted him to help him with mankind, from the beginning. All this is spoken of in these blogs. Satan wanted all the angels to turn against the Father, instead, he was thrown out of Heaven. All who fell with him were Lucifer and the third of the angels with Lucifer who believed the lies about the Father. But all they had once walked in paths of light, in Heaven's scenes of peace. They knew love, because they as we, were made by Love itself, and in Love's image. The lies which caused their fall, are long ago forgotten. Now their existence is just darkness, violence, scheming and conspiring to do harm against everything, a meaningless life with no real cause and purpose. Those scenes of Heaven are faded and lost long ago under the unending rage of hate and lies. They live in a nightmare dreamscape, killing, harming, destroying, hating and hurting with no relationship to who they once were.

But I know that I was fallen like they, giving way to self, giving way to things not loving, not caring. I know that the Father gave the most important part of Himself, Jesus, His beating heart for me to be rescued and found again. I know He held nothing back to have all His children brought back to His heart, including those in the spiritual realm once called angels. All of us are fallen, we and they, but we can return to the Father who stands on the roadway waiting for us to start our lives again with the slate wiped clean by Jesus' blood and sacrifice We'll do it right this time. The call is sounding for all to hear:

Come to Me, come to Me, come to Me, I will answer your cry.

Don't waste any more of your life in darkness, come to the Light and He will be there to help you and to answer you.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Yours, Once Again

Just today, I saw a packet sent from our beloved friend, Pastor Jean in Rwanda. The packet contained many pictures of his children, that he so obviously loves...drawings that the children made for our children here, and postcards for each of us. As I was enjoying all these wonderful things, I saw the pictures on the front of the postcards, which were all of places in Rwanda. The pictures were beautiful, green mountains in the background, flowers and green and trees and flowing streams. I commented on the beauty of Rwanda and of the saying that God made Rwanda so beautiful that at night when His travels in the earth are done, He comes to sleep in Rwanda.

Just at that moment into my thoughts came another thought: What did this place look like in 1994 when the genocide in Rwanda happened? The thought just came crashing in, and I looked at the postcards again and I saw ghostly images of the dead all around the ground. I don't know if that happened in that particular place or not during that 100 days in April, but some of the one million murdered might have been there.

It was a shock to be looking at beauty one moment, and then see that beauty turn into a scene of horror. This is the work of the enemy. He is a destroyer of all things made and loved by the Creator, and he had his way in Rwanda for 100 days, and achieved utter violence and vast murder before the Father stopped him. And so I thought about the people there now, having survived that 100 days of Satan, and I knew that what I experienced being shocked while looking at the postcards, the people of Rwanda live with, every day.

They themselves have tried to move on, and build their lives again. They don't think about the genocide if they can avoid it, but evil leaves its mark and imprint. As they go from day to day, living and going to the market, here or there, they remember those dead murdered bodies. Was it there by that building at which you shop that you saw your mother's corpse? Your father's, your sister's, your baby's, your friends' and neighbors'? When they go by the beautiful rivers of Rwanda, do they see the dead floating by? YES. They do. It's not something they can stop from coming up in their minds. That is darkness.

The Father said: "As Rwanda goes, so goes the world."

You see, if the enemies of the Father had their way, they would murder all the world in the same way, because of their hatred of Him who loves us. And in only 100 days, so much devastation was achieved before the Father stopped it. And we see the enemy moving with power now, through the terror of this war on evil. But now has come the time, says the Father, to restore what the locusts have eaten.

What can penetrate into the darkness and bring real change? The Father can, and will, and is, not just in Rwanda, but in all the darkness in every place and in every heart. He has shown Himself with the murdered in Rwanda, all the million. And they look like Jesus looks in the end of the Passion film, untouched, unmarked, whole. They that suffered so much pain and fear by the stroke of the machetes, are now standing with the Father, risen, alive and whole. They look to their loved ones with smiles on their faces and with gladness wanting them to know the truth of the reality of Heaven and the reality of the love and sacrifice of Jesus. He was Himself more marred than any other by the violence of the enemy moving through fallen man.

He knows what they suffered and what is suffered now. He is risen and whole, to make the way for all to be healed and whole from the ravages of sin, evil, and violence. This is the way He is moving to turn the darkness in Rwanda to light, by showing the beloved people there today that the corpses they see as ghosts everywhere are no longer corpses, but alive and well, and free, looking at their loved ones still on earth, wanting them to know the truth about the genocide and the Father's beating heart for them, Jesus, their Hope and their Friend. This is the healing that is now moving through the avenues of Rwanda, and is moving in the avenues of our lives and our hearts in the earth, for all of us to be restored, redeemed and healed. The Father's power is unmatched, His victory, sure. And we who are the Church that is true and full of love for Jesus, must help the Father to bring this hope and healing to every one, as He leads.

Thank You, Father for helping the people of Rwanda and all the people of the world. May they all come to the well of freedom and hope made through a Cross, and drink deeply there and be Yours, once again.

Monday, January 29, 2007

The Height of the Father's Arm

I saw the Father standing in a field. He was dressed in white. The field was fully planted and grain was the crop. The crop looked golden already and still growing in this field. The Father raised up His arm straight out in front of Him. I saw that the crop was not high enough to meet the height of the Father's arm. He said:

This is the harvest of this day and this generation. When the crop reaches My arm, then the harvest foretold will begin.

The arm of the Father is mighty, and His harvest will be those He calls:
" Whosoever will"

See how you may help Him to have a harvest that is fruitful, and full, that all those to whom we could have given our Treasure, were not passed by and forgotten. We are the vessels, we are the planters along with Him, going to all He would lead us to find, to give the hope that smashes despair, the hope that shines to the deepest part of our sorrow and wounds. Let us be found giving a harvest to the One who held nothing back from us, who counted no cost, and led us into our freedom in the light.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Boundless River

This prophecy was given when the pictures of Jesus from the Shroud were being made and given at the beginning of OJP in 2002.

Hear what the Father says: "Go to the highways and byways, you who love Me. Evil and love are at war. There is fear, and death by violence. The nations are as platelets under the earth - moving with great force against each other. Rulers and principalities design to manipulate flesh toward murder and suicide, to achieve great death, before My Son's return."

"Take My Son into all the places I send you. Take Him because you love Me. Tell them, 'My love is a boundless river that flows blood red.' Give them what I have called "a gift and a grace". My Son speaks from the Shroud, which I have preserved through the centuries for this time."

"I say to you who love Me, 'Not one Muslim, not one Jew, not one atheist, not one Christian, no, not one in all the earth, will look at this picture, taken from the Shroud, and not be moved by My presence'."

"Here is My message and My desire - that they know they are loved. My love is the highest love, love without sin." "Now is the time and the hour set. A great harvest. All you who are Mine from the beginning, returning to Me. This is the revival: 'The revival of love and returning'. You who love Me, hear My voice, do what I am asking."

The Father says, "Give these pictures of Jesus out in your community, your state, your nation, your neighborhood".

Friday, January 05, 2007

Two Promises

Satan, the enemy of the Father, has no creativity or originality. He copies the Father. For instance, with Islam he has a bible, the Koran, he has a prophet, and he has a god, who is himself, called Allah. The Koran is a confused mess of orders and rules that have no coherence. It is full of the mind of Satan, which is to kill Jews and Christians and anyone who will not bend to his power.

And he offers a paradise. He uses this as a tool to offer man rewards that pertain only to self and flesh - virgins and material rewards - in order to get them to kill for him. Just as evil is the opposite of the Father, as the shade is to the tree, so these false promises are nothing but darkness and have not one whit to do with love. This is a reflection of Satan, demanding prayer, demanding that all his subjects bow to him five times a day, with the demands blaring from loudspeakers. As I have said before, Satan's middle name is Brutality, and within this copied so-called religion of compassion called Islam, we are witnessing ultimate brutality visited, not only on "infidels" who don't believe in that course of wickedness, but even on Muslim men, women, and children, who stand in the way of this enemy who calls himself god. Beheading is a favorite method, a long drawn-out method, which is filled with screaming and rivers of blood. The enemy loves to shed blood (through violence especially) as an answer to the shed blood of Jesus, a mocking blasphemy. So we see into the mind of Satan, as he copies the Father, in an upside-down wickedness, with a false promise of paradise.

What does the Father promise mankind? First, we see a sacrifice coming to help us, who is Jesus, becoming a way for us to leave the darkness and bondage of our selfishness and sin, showing the nature of love in doing so. The way leads to a promise, not of things appealing to our flesh and the world of sin, but appealing to our spirit. He promises Heaven, where no brutality will exist, no murder, no violence, no sorrow or sickness, no pain, never again to say goodbye to loved ones, no pride, no self overtaking us, just a shining love and joy to be with our God who is surpassing in power, yet meek and lowly in heart.

So the enemy appeals to flesh and self, and the Father, through Jesus, appeals to heart and spirit: love others and love Him above ourselves. And with all false religions, whether Islam or any other, the mark of Satan appears. Karma is a way to not care about others with its teaching to leave your brother to his karmic fate. This is opposed to the Father, who says "Love one another. If your brother asks for a coat, give him two, walk not one mile, but two, to help one another." Love is the mark of the true God. It always has been, and always will be, until the Lamb returns to overturn the false promises, to shed light on all things, and to send Satan to his fate.