Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Christmas 2007

OJP sends many hundreds of DVD's of THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST along with the pictures from the Shroud. We know of the man who had murdered his girlfriend and gotten away with it, until he saw THE PASSION. He turned himself into the police, saying that he couldn't live with it anymore. The Pope said a right thing about it before he died. "It is as it was" he said, and so it is. On Christmas night this year, Char and I will watch THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST. Whoever wants to do this with us are welcome, those in OJP New Mexico, and any who are with us in other states as well. For this He came to the manger. For this He came, this noble immeasureable sacrifice given to save us from ourselves. The baby we honor and love, lowly in the manger, so vunerable and humble, came to take all that earth and hell could visit on Him, to free us. So we honor the day of His birth, and we bow before the day of His death.