Sunday, October 22, 2006

Speaking in Yahoo Messenger 10-22-06

Speaking in Yahoo Messenger
October 22, 2006

Silvana Lupetti: the children born in this time will be given many gifts and the Father will use them and they will help the Father by understanding good and helping others to understand
a generation of His coming - to help other children, other young people
as there has been a generation that the enemy wants as he brainwashes them
they are sent out to kill, and they have no love covering them
and the enemy said this would be his harvest
but there is another generation
raised by the Holy Spirit to speak the truth
and the angels will build a bridge between this lost generation to the truth that they are loved
hate is not God
and this generation will not leave what they are taught
they will be tested and tried and fought over
but in their spirit is recognition of the truth
and the truth will prevail in them
even when temptation comes,they will know the truth
they will need supernatural protection, which they will have
this new generation, where the Father will be their God and their guide
and we who love the Father will help Him to help them
wisdom and strength with the children just needs to be applied consistantly
He will be with all mothers who are teaching their children the right way to live and the right way to love

ignore the enemy, he lies
and we end up believing him because we know amazing grace, what wretches we are when we put self over everything
ignore him
he comes accusing condeming lying

sometimes I become aware that my thoughts are going to places that are painful
he is there to urge me on - this is his ploy, his trap, his snare
but the Father has the upper hand if we give it to Him
and ignore the enemy and his lies
looking at Jesus' face full of shining love
getting our hearts on track, back to Him who sees everything, who has wisdom and light
He will help us through this war

His war
not the enemy's
the enemy makes war on mankind
the Father is coming into his (Satan's) camp
and high places are falling
like the two towers in Lord of the Rings falling
never to be repaired
high places of cruelty

north korea
high places of violence and lies
brick by brick, stone by stone
the high places will fall before the Father
who is the Creator and has the preeminance over all things

I fear the elections, left to the people, will they believe the lies of the enemy?
an unseen enemy always trying to get us to stop fighting him
and stop bringing freedom to his slaves
the Father gave us freedom to choose
what will we choose
remember the song, the trumpets will never call retreat, we can't retreat
and if the democrats get power, they will act as Spain did
a whole nation bowed before the violence of the enemy
and left the fight, through their elections
but they are deceived
this enemy makes war on all mankind
he despises his followers
they are inferior and he holds them in contempt as well as us
no nation is safe unless they fight together
and the nations will be held accountable
may they stand and fight
they watch america to see what we will do

may the lies fall away like scales from their eyes, this is their country
shall we let it be led into another nine eleven?
the voting booth is a sacred place
our freedom
no king rules over us
but the enemy is trying to invade the voting booth
with lies upon mountains of lies and distortions

I saw the world with a word rising up over it
to take power from those who know this is a fight to the death
conspiracy to divide the nation like never before
I would like to ask the Father
to set angels as guardians around all the voting booths
not to influence but to set a wall against the lies
so that in the booth there is freedom to think
freedom to remember that our children should not have to face this terrorist enemy
because we will fight them and the battle is the Father's.

the end of all these things is life, eternity
if we look at everything from that standpoint we can see the victory to come, the bigger picture
He says will help us
thinking of eternity, Isaiah or David said He inhabits the chambers of eternity