Friday, October 27, 2006

The Holy Spirit shows more about Satan vs freedom

From Yahoo
October 24, 2006

Voting is the most important of all our freedoms. It is the king of the freedoms/ This year the Father will put his angels at the voting booths, to let the people decide for themselves without the pressing influence of the enemy. This is such lovingkindness of the Father to do for us.

The enemy, Satan, was not deceived. He is a liar and very good at it. He lied to angels and they fell. He willingly chose evil after looking into it over a span of time, time from our standpoint, as he returned to the river again, and again. This is the same one who wants to cause our nation to fall, again by his lies.

He chose power which was not dependent on the Father. The power of evil would make Satan independent; independant of the Father's opinions, what the Father thought. The Father is not a tyrant, but He could be, and if He were His power would be impossible to defend against. Satan felt that the Father was unfair, that He had all the power, even though the Father gave Satan power to be His right arm. It wasnt' enough. Satan allowed himself to become dissatisfied with the Father because he was thinking more and more about himself. He didn't want to be told to serve mankind, which Satan already knew about, because we were in the heart of the Father before we were ever born. Satan began to think to himself about himself. He was created as a right arm of the Father to administrate over the earth to help the Father with helping the created to help them to live in the light and know the Father as Adam did.

Satan saw us a puny and low, crawling on the earth like slugs. He started to judge the Father for even thinking of making something so obviously inferior to Heaven, and to angels, and to himself. So that was the beginning of the fall. It was a fall into self, away from truth, and away from the light of the Father.

And now this battlefield of the earth is coming into context. It is a war on evil which involves all nations and the freedom we have to choose good or evil. The Father and Jesus have paid such a high price to give freedom to all the beings of His creation. But the Father wouldn't have it any other way. That's love. Our freedom is precious to Him, yet how we harm ourselves and others when we use our freedom to choose evil.