Closer Than Close
"Before you were even born, you were conceived in Me."
As I heard the Father saying this, I woke up saying it myself. As I looked into this phrase, I realized that He was speaking this to the rejected, the orphan, the lonely, all of us that He loves. He didn't say 'you were conceived BY Me, He said you were conceived IN me'. Then I remembered the pregnant women in the room, and how the babies were inside of the mother, so close so personal, so intimate. Closer than close. That is what He means, that before the woes of this earth, and before the relationships that fail, in families, in marriages, before everything, even our births into this life, He was there, and He IS there. So when the weight of life, and the wounds we carry seem overwhelming, we can know that this life goes on as eternal life, with no more tears, no more sorrow. Think of what it will be like in our Father's arms. We will be healed by His love. That lies ahead.
Thank You Father, for caring for us so much. All we really have to give You that is ours to give, is our love. May we give it freely, forever.