Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Hope that is Certain, the Joy Which will Follow

I saw a beautiful thing in the Spirit the other day. We received a letter from our brother Joseph in Ghana, with the Believers there. The Father has provided for them and gotten them a house with land. Nicole with OJP went to get some vegetable seeds to send them, and the Father put the seeds on sale...from .59 each to .2 cents each! We sent them many, many packets. This is posted on the Pictures Blog, just scroll down. Joseph has since written to us that: "Our farm is progressing, and it will not be too long when we will start harvesting some crops, the vegetables seeds you sent are growing very well!"

What the Father showed me were the faces of the Believers as they planted the seeds. They were full of joy and hope at the promise of the harvest. They were faithful even in their most dire hardships, even to the murder of one of their number. Sometimes cold, hungry but staying fast to the Father. Now they are blessed by Him, now they have covering and shelter and light in that house. The children with them, (13 children) have hope and blessing, they look forward to the King's feast on Christmas with gifts and candy, love and light.

So this is what the Father showed me. Faces of believers planting seeds with hope and joy of the harvest. So we, believers who plant the seeds of the pictures and the Passion, the message of the love and sacrifice of Jesus, can look the same as they. We plant the seeds of the Father with hope, and joyful expectation of the harvest to come. And it will come. Fruit for the Father, hope for the world. Help the Father plant the seeds of the hope and love that Jesus brings and it is sure and certain that the light will come to the darkest places in the earth.

Thank You Father, for the hope of the Good News of Jesus. The hope that is certain, the joy which will follow when as many as call on Your name will be brought into the shelter of Your arms. In Jesus' mighty Name.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

All That He Asks of Us

I am going to talk about the nature of Satan, what he is really like, as the Father shows, what he is thinking and planning, what he is conspiring to do against the Father, and what it is like in his fallen world. At times I need to speak plainly about what I see from the Father, and it will be graphic. Murder is graphic. Suicide is graphic. War is graphic.The Father has been looking at our sin and our darkness since we were first conceived in Him. And He has been this way from the beginning. There is no act of evil or selfish sin, that He hasn't seen. No scream in the night or in the day, He hasn't heard. So since this is true, that He bears so much grief while looking at the rainbow He made, then it is our duty, our love for Him, our understanding that we owe Him stand by His side, willing to see what He sees, willing to care about what He suffers as He sees the violence that is rapidly filling the earth, so much more now. This is my premise, that the church that is unwilling to open their eyes to war, that stays so far away from the truth about this war in the earth and never hear His voice, are not His bride. Those who eat strong meat, become strong themselves, and can give Him what He asks of all of us. To love, to care, to help all to have the treasure that is Jesus.

So I speak of the things that matter to the Father. Prophets are those who love the Father and His beating heart called Jesus, almost to distraction. And Prophets are those who can be used to speak His mind simply as vessels. And Prophets are those who point to important things. The sin in all of us that caused the most perfect and beautiful of Beings to come to be tortured and slaughtered on the cross, not to mention taking on every single act of our sin and evil, on to Himself. Remember, sin is self above everything. And Prophets are those, who considering themselves, speak of how we must leave our self-love affairs and join with Him with all our strength, with all our love, and with His leading, help Him reach the perishing and bring them to HOPE.

I will tell you of one thing the Father showed me about Satan. Knowing that Satan's bottom line is hatred of the Father, and hatred of us, of mankind, I saw murders, and suicides, literally, as the Father was leading me. I heard the sounds of people being beheaded, I saw beheadings, I saw suicides, pregnant women who threw themselves out of tall buildings and killed themselves and the bodies of the babies next to them, having been propelled from the bodies of the mothers. I've seen the violence that caused the Father to act as He did in Noah's day. These are sights and sounds that will only fade from my mind when I leave the body of this death.

I've spoken of all this before, but now add to the picture of all this woe and anguish, grief and loss, murder and suicide, add to this the sight of Satan, who once walked the pathways of Heaven, Satan laughing with glee and washing himself in the bloodshed of violence as each act unfolds. Hear the sound of the screams of the murdered, and add the sound of his mocking laughter to that image.

This is the nature of the one who opposes the Father, opposes Jesus, moves to snatch the hope of Jesus from everyone he can. His aim is for a mountain of corpses for Jesus to return to, while he laughs at the Father with his hatred. Laughing at the anguish he helps to cause, covering himself in the blood of mankind, mocking Jesus' blood as he stands before the Father. Will we stand for this mocking of the Father? Will we sit quietly as the enemy spits at the Father, and murders even children, while looking to see the expression on the face of the One who sacrificed Himself for us? Look at the cross, then answer the question.

Speaking of these things here is an open door from the Father, for those who love Him more than their self-interests to come by His side and ask Him what you can do and must do, to help Him, as He goes down the avenues of earth, and down the avenues of every human being to bring us out of the darkness, and bring us light and life and hope. There will be no peace until evil is defeated and the Prince of Peace is come. In the meantime, know our enemy, know the voice of our Father, as Jesus says, "My sheep hear My voice and know Me." Knowing and hearing Him means moving to follow and help Him in all that He asks of us.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Closer Than Close

I awoke from dreams this morning, and I found myself saying a phrase out loud that the Father was saying in my dream. I was in a room with pregnant women and children. And the Father came into the room and began to speak. Here is what He said:

"Before you were even born, you were conceived in Me."

As I heard the Father saying this, I woke up saying it myself. As I looked into this phrase, I realized that He was speaking this to the rejected, the orphan, the lonely, all of us that He loves. He didn't say 'you were conceived BY Me, He said you were conceived IN me'. Then I remembered the pregnant women in the room, and how the babies were inside of the mother, so close so personal, so intimate. Closer than close. That is what He means, that before the woes of this earth, and before the relationships that fail, in families, in marriages, before everything, even our births into this life, He was there, and He IS there. So when the weight of life, and the wounds we carry seem overwhelming, we can know that this life goes on as eternal life, with no more tears, no more sorrow. Think of what it will be like in our Father's arms. We will be healed by His love. That lies ahead.

Thank You Father, for caring for us so much. All we really have to give You that is ours to give, is our love. May we give it freely, forever.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Still Behind the Veil

I call to you, My beloved, Come to Me and know Me, See Me for who I am, Who I am, you can know Me.

There once was a veil Between you and I, Your sin separated us. But I tore that veil, From top to bottom, With My body, My blood, My life.

But My people are still behind the veil. They stay a distance away from Me. I call to My beloved, "Come to the garden alone; I will be there." I call to My beloved, "Be my bride, not just my servant."

But they stand behind the veil, "We are servants." The veil which keeps Me out, From the intimacy which I seek With My beloved. I am your Husband; I take the veil from your face With My blood. Come to the garden and find Me.