Monday, September 04, 2006

Give the Father what He is asking for

The Father wants us who know Him and love Him above our own self interests, to stand with Him as He wages war against evil. Allah is Satan, drawing the deceived to their destruction. He has no mercy even for those who do his bidding on the earth. And his bidding is world-wide murder. Shall we leave the Father to Himself to carry all the burden? Shall He who is pure see the horror of events where Satan rages with hate and strikes the Father's created including children, alone? Yes the angels stand with Him, but what do we owe Him?

We owe Him everything, all that we have and all that we are. Stand up. Look at the events as they deepen and widen and expand, more deaths, and more and more. The son of perdition is loose and until he is bound we must stand against him. How?

By answering his evil with Jesus Himself. Lift up Jesus and the light will come from Him to the darkest corners of this war. Allah will be compared to the Father through the sacrifice of love in Jesus. The comparison is being made and Jesus will prevail in the end. Request the pictures, they have a powerful effect and impact because HE IS WITH THEM. Hope rises in the hearts of those who are inmates, suicidal, oppressed by this violence, hope rises when they see the face on the pictures. Hope radiates along with love. After all, the pictures are taken from a shroud which was cast aside by a living God.

The angels are with us to help the Father. Get the PASSION OF THE CHRIST and show it to everyone you can, as He leads and give them the pictures. Satan must be answered, and the answer is Jesus who is returning. Jesus, who is the victory over all darkness , evil, and hate.

Give the Father what He is asking for, lift up Jesus and the world will reach out for Him as they reach out for the pictures. He will answer all who ask.