We are in a fight for freedom. It's not the first time, history proves that, but America is different. We are born free even if we are born somewhere else, brought together by God, and kept together by God, unique among the nations. Our enemies, both in flesh and in the spiritual realm, have always waged war against freedom, because they don't love freedom, they love power. To them, power is the bottom line and with power comes corruption and enslavement. Now they have power within our walls and they are using every means to undermine this nation under God.
We are seeing this struggle over freedom play out day by day, aimed at our Constitution, until the day will come when the born free must come together and say again: "GIVE US LIBERTY OR GIVE US DEATH". America's founding fathers are standing at the edge of the Cloud of Witnesses, passing their faith to us. Remember them, remember what they said and what they did, it's our turn now. We are a city on a hill, set to be an example to all in the world who are suffering under tyranny. We say, "Freedom comes from God" and, "Freedom is not just for us, but for all".
So, fight on, America. Join the Tea Parties and show yourselves at the townhalls, our numbers are increasing. Blood has been shed for our freedom, including His, what will you do?
Read George Washington's vision, given to him at Valley Forge, and you will see that God is the Author and Finisher of the battle for freedom. With His leading the victory is sure.