The living God looks at two things: the state of the church today and the state of the sinners' hearts. The two are linked together. He looks at the church first. If the church does not repent of their disobedience, they will be held accountable for those who do not know Jesus Christ and die in their sin. Because of your failure, church, to obey the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, and be living sacrifices for Him, you will be held accountable for the sinners' hearts.
Complacent church, do you know this?
You are held accountable for the ones who die in their sin, to whom you had opportunity to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, but did not. When you say, as you stand before Him, "See our good works," He will say, "See the procession to hell."
The church has failed.
What are you willing to do for your Savior? You saw Mother Teresa go out into the world to the garbage dumps, where Jesus led her, to find the human refuse. The people she found were dying, diseased, and stank of death. However, in obedience to the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, and Jesus' command, she picked them up in her arms, saying, "This is Jesus."
You think, "How nice it was of her to do that." You think this was her ministry. She went out to find the dying and the needy. She didn't wait for them to come to her. No one should be left on the street while the Body of Christ is alive. The church should be obedient and willing to do anything that Jesus tells them to do.
We are witnesses. We pass through your cities in obedience to His will, and what we see will be held against you. You let Jesus lie on the street. You see Him cold, hungry, and comfortless, yet you have no pity on Him. You hide behind your programs and policies, thinking they absolve you from holding Jesus in your arms. Do you really believe Jesus will say to you, "Well done"?
Jesus poured out His life for you. He came to serve you. But you serve only yourselves. You are happy with your church, whose works are dead. Your works are without love, not led by His Holy Spirit.
He calls you to repent, lest He spit you out. Repent, and touch the leper, as He did.
Are you greater than your Master? Will you never know what it is to be moved with compassion? In your works, do you give from the four corners of your field? The four corners have the same grain, of equal value, as the grain of which you partake.
Those who come to your four corners, you judge. You don't treat them as you would treat Jesus. You feel superior to them. If you give at all, you give what you don't want or need.
Is this your sacrifice? Jesus didn't treat you with indifference, without love. He gave everything for you. All that you have you owe to Him. Your life, family, money, job, car, and house, belong to Him. You don't own anything, not even yourself. You were bought with a price.
Jesus called His church to be a living sacrifice. He says the church has failed Him. Vain, arrogant, and shallow. Those are His words for you, church.
"If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we claim we have not sinned, we make Him out to be a liar and His word has no place in our lives." I John 1:8,10
"We know that we have come to know Him if we obey His commands. The man who says, "I know Him," but does not do what He commands is a liar, and the truth is not in him. This is how we know we are in Him: whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did." 1 John 2:3,4,6