Sunday, March 23, 2008


Here is Easter. A day to remember the event that changed the direction of all mankind. It's hard to think about Jesus' torture and pain. It's hard to think of His suffering; not only in His body, but the selfishness and sin we choose visited on the One who is without sin and selfishness. Every act of indifference, of violence, murder, hate, and evil. He took it all, and when His blood drained out of Him, it was given to us. We carry it and the Father sees it moment by moment since that day. It took such pain to spare us from what we deserve for our choices. And the wages of sin is death.

So I saw the garden as I was listening to the song "Morning Has Broken". I saw the perfect beauty of what He made, the first birds singing, the first green grass growing, the pure light and the pure love behind it all. And then in the middle of seeing this Eden, I saw blood spilled onto it and I cried out in my spirit. The Father came to me and showed me then, how He sees bloodshed and He sees the blood that Jesus shed on us all. Never is there one moment that He doesn't see it, and doesn't feel it and what His Son felt as He gave His blood willingly for others to be able to come to the Father and to the cross.

And then He spoke to me. "When the last murder has happened, when mankind has come to the cross and returned to the garden agreeing together that love is the only way to Me and to the truth, then will I take the blood of Jesus and cast it into the lake of fire. It won't be needed any longer and there will never be any more blood shed ever again".

And into my heart came the thought: There will be hope even in the lake of fire.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

His eyes, His face, His Presence is felt

The new printer has been used to put the picture of Jesus on the Supertract. It is as clear as we ever dreamed it could be. His eyes, His face, His Presence is felt. Thank You Father for doing this and giving us the desire of our heart that the picture on the tract be as clear as possible to touch everyone who have only the supertract. Thank You also to Antonio and Nikki of OJP for giving the Father the help to get this printer. To everyone who asks OJP for pictures to give to others, we are going to encourage them to fold tracts, string pictures, contact prisons in their state, find the shelters, the dark alleys and do what they can to help our loving Redeemer to rescue them, as He rescued us.

Monday, March 10, 2008

I AM A SERVANT by Larry Norman

Larry Norman died recently leaving a legacy of songs that lift up the heart, and bring conviction to the flesh and self. He understood the need to hear from Jesus and to follow Him no matter the cost. Let us read his words and take them as our own. I'll blog more of his songs for a time. Thank you, Larry for all you did for Jesus.

Larry Norman

I am a servant, I am listening for my name,
I sit here waiting, I've been looking at the game
That I've been playing, and I've been staying much the same
When you are lonely, you're the only one to blame.

I am a servant, I am waiting for the call,
I've been unfaithful, so I sit here in the hall.
How can you use me when I've never given all,
How can you choose me when you know I'd quickly fall.

So you feed my soul and you make me grow,
And you let me know you love me.
And I'm worthless now, but I've made a vow,
I will humbly bow before thee.
O please use me, I am lonely.

I am a servant getting ready for my part,
There's been a change, a rearrangement in my heart.
At last I'm learning, there's no returning once I start.
To live's a priveledge, to love is such an art
But I need your help to start,
O please purify my heart, I am your servant.

Saturday, March 01, 2008


The Father spoke and said: "Now comes a season of the angels".

I saw in the Spirit the movement of many, many angels; their movement like the waves of the sea pouring towards the shore over and over.

The Father said to me, "I send them to help Me intervene, to lift up, to push back evil, to open doors, and open hearts with hope. The enemy of God and man moves with frantic power to destroy what he did not make. He whispers in the night and screams in the day to those I created. He screams threats and whispers schemes of violence and evil."

"Now before the day of My Coming I send My angels who love Me into the fray, joining My Spirit, to overturn the fortresses and high places of Satan and all who fell with him. Satan's power is not above Me. I made him and I will unmake him."

"My angels do this not because of duty, not because they must; they do it for love of Me. And My followers on earth would do well to be as they are, and to join them as they are sent into the darkest places on earth to bring the hope that has been given on a cross of wood."

"The times will get harder, and grievous events are still ahead. Fear and terror are coming to man as the time draws nearer to the Event much awaited, the return of My Heart in the form of Jesus, Redeemer King

"Hold fast to the Hope I bring, and do all that I make possible for you to do, which is to smash the barriers of opposition to the good, and to the right. The season of angels will cause many close to death to see them, will cause the lost to lift their heads, will cause hardened hearts to soften, and the sick to recover, while many acts of supernatural power are coming. And always know that what I conceive and what I will do shall never be in vain."