Thursday, August 02, 2007


The Father continued to show me about the activity in the cloud as I mentioned in my last post. I was just in my studio where I have a map of the world on the wall, and I was sitting looking at the map. Suddenly I saw what looked like strong cables or wires, springing from every nation, nation to nation. If I were to use string and connect the string from place to place you would see a thick mesh covering the whole map.

Then the Father showed me what it meant. The cables are connecting every person who knows that the world is at war, that evil is evil, and who know what is good and what is right. Freedom is the foundation of this fight with the enemy. And I saw strong bonds coming from eastern Europe where they had lived without freedom for so long, and now that they have it, they will never go back. The bonds link all of us together that love freedom and understand what is at stake. Some nations have bowed to the terrorists. Spain gave them the election that they wanted and pulled out of the war, so the terrorists got their way by bombing Madrid, a mass murder. They will not stop until they are stopped. Some nations have good leaders, others have weak ones. But within all the nations there are the like-minded, says the Father.

I saw that by linking us all together in the spirit like this, the stronger help the weaker, especially in nations that are surrounded by liberalism, which is the philosophy of the enemy. His philosophy is that evil is good and good is evil. And I saw that we who agree together look like a new nation, a nation in the spirit, all of us knowing what's right and what's true.

When I was in the spirit recently, I cried out to the Father about Iraq. I saw the Iraqi people being bombed day after day and was grieving over the state of the battlefield there. I was before the Father calling out to Him about the people. "They need to stand up and say, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. They need to help lead the fight by finding out where the terrorists are hiding. They need to reach that breaking point which has been present in all righteous revolutions. How long, Father, can they stand to see their neighbors and friends and families, children and grandmothers, blown to pieces, day after day by the beasts of terror?"

Since I cried out in the Spirit to the Father about Iraq, there have been new reports that the war there is winnable. And it is winnable because the Iraqis are now doing what they needed to do. They are standing up and going after the terrorists. Remember that noble day, when in the face of death threats to themselves, their families and friends, they walked to the voting booths, showing great courage. They have been successful in recent days uncovering hiding places and armaments. There has been change in the thinking about the war in Iraq, which is one battlefield in the Father's war against evil. Pray for the Iraqi people as they endeavor to live in freedom.

When all the like-minded in the world are linked together, our collective right thinking is like a prayer, a petition always before the Father, for the sake of freedom and the defeat of darkness. He will hear us. He will answer. All nations, He says, have some that are right, and now we are linked together. This is what the activity was in the cloud. The enemy can't get in front of this to oppose it because the Father moved too swiftly and hid this plan from him.

Father, You rescue, You lead, Your victory is sure, even in the darkest of times. We love You and we thank You for helping the world in tribulation leading to the return of Jesus. He will make things right when all government is on His shoulders. He brings justice and a rod of iron with Him and the truth will at last, prevail.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Yesterday, the last day of July, I saw something from the Father. It was a large cloud in the sky, but it was different from the other clouds. I could see movement within it, as though there were beings moving around inside, and it seemed that the movement was vigorous, there was a lot of activity. I couldn't see who it was but I could tell it was angels.

Then today, the Father showed me more about it. Clouds are close to the earth so whatever is happening will have to do with the earth. And the reason I couldn't see inside the cloud is because the Father is hiding His purpose from the eyes of the enemy.

Something is going to happen that will take the enemy by surprise, and it will be good. A move of power from the Father.

Thank You, Father.