Satan, the enemy of the Father, has no creativity or originality. He copies the Father. For instance, with Islam he has a bible, the Koran, he has a prophet, and he has a god, who is himself, called Allah. The Koran is a confused mess of orders and rules that have no coherence. It is full of the mind of Satan, which is to kill Jews and Christians and anyone who will not bend to his power.
And he offers a paradise. He uses this as a tool to offer man rewards that pertain only to self and flesh - virgins and material rewards - in order to get them to kill for him. Just as evil is the opposite of the Father, as the shade is to the tree, so these false promises are nothing but darkness and have not one whit to do with love. This is a reflection of Satan, demanding prayer, demanding that all his subjects bow to him five times a day, with the demands blaring from loudspeakers. As I have said before, Satan's middle name is Brutality, and within this copied so-called religion of compassion called Islam, we are witnessing ultimate brutality visited, not only on "infidels" who don't believe in that course of wickedness, but even on Muslim men, women, and children, who stand in the way of this enemy who calls himself god. Beheading is a favorite method, a long drawn-out method, which is filled with screaming and rivers of blood. The enemy loves to shed blood (through violence especially) as an answer to the shed blood of Jesus, a mocking blasphemy. So we see into the mind of Satan, as he copies the Father, in an upside-down wickedness, with a false promise of paradise.
What does the Father promise mankind? First, we see a sacrifice coming to help us, who is Jesus, becoming a way for us to leave the darkness and bondage of our selfishness and sin, showing the nature of love in doing so. The way leads to a promise, not of things appealing to our flesh and the world of sin, but appealing to our spirit. He promises Heaven, where no brutality will exist, no murder, no violence, no sorrow or sickness, no pain, never again to say goodbye to loved ones, no pride, no self overtaking us, just a shining love and joy to be with our God who is surpassing in power, yet meek and lowly in heart.
So the enemy appeals to flesh and self, and the Father, through Jesus, appeals to heart and spirit: love others and love Him above ourselves. And with all false religions, whether Islam or any other, the mark of Satan appears. Karma is a way to not care about others with its teaching to leave your brother to his karmic fate. This is opposed to the Father, who says "Love one another. If your brother asks for a coat, give him two, walk not one mile, but two, to help one another." Love is the mark of the true God. It always has been, and always will be, until the Lamb returns to overturn the false promises, to shed light on all things, and to send Satan to his fate.